Shah Rukh Khan, the doting father of three beautiful kids always manages to take time off from his busy schedule for his children. Be it AbR...

Aryan Khan is Good Looking, But Not Smart: SRK On His Heartthrob Son

03:08 Tulsi Tiwari 0 Comments

Shah Rukh Khan, the doting father of three beautiful kids always manages to take time off from his busy schedule for his children. Be it AbRam’s play-time or Aryan’s graduation, Srkdoesn’t miss a chance to be a part of their lives.

Having had a career of over 25 years in the industry, SRK has not just mastered the tricks of acting, but has reined the industry to be the ‘Badshaah’ of Bollywood as well. Although SRK is a proud father and actor, SRK is a proud human being as well; in a good sense of course!


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